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This website and content has been prepared by Melanie Buck for general informational purposes only. Information provided here is not mental health advice and should not be treated as such. Viewing the information on this website and/or corresponding with Melanie Buck in no way creates a client/therapist relationship with Melanie Buck. No counseling or other professional services are being rendered and this website is not intended to provide such services or advice of any kind.


All information provided on this website is accurate and true to the best of Melanie Buck’s knowledge, but there may be omissions, errors, or mistakes. Information may not always be complete, up-to-date, accurate, or applicable to all situations. While Melanie Buck is a practicing clinician, this website is intended for information only, and you should never disregard advice from a qualified medical or mental health clinician, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you have read on this website. Information should not be used as an alternative to consultation with your personal mental health care provider.


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Disclaimer: Testimonials

©2022 Thrive Therapy NY Mental Health Counseling

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